Upgrade & Migration
Make the most of your opportunities to grow your business with the assistance of NOW Solutions’ upgrade and migration services.
Move forward with precision and confidence.
Most of the workload in any upgrade/migration project comes at the beginning. Information gathering. Planning. Getting up to speed on new platforms or software. What’s more, it’s not unusual for procedures to take twice as long as they should simply because you’re working on unfamiliar ground.
So if you are feeling burdened by the transition to a new release or platform, take advantage of NOW Solutions upgrade and migration services for emPath®. Our consultants are technical and application experts, and they are eager to help you bring your projects in on-time and within budget.
Consider what you have to gain.
The clear advantage of an HRIS/Payroll system is in the ability to integrate and streamline business processes throughout your company. You already have been using many of the features and functionality that made our product the leader in HRIS world — now let NOW Solutions help you get on the emPath® and “crank up the power”.
Get on the emPath® — quick and easy.
When you’re ready to get on the emPath®, our upgrade and migration services will teach you the skills you need to get into production quickly. Once we’ve upgraded your emPath® software, we’ll give you hands-on training with step-by-step procedures for upgrading and testing your integration and/or production system. So count on this: when our work is done, you will have absolute confidence in emPath® and your ability to operate it. We’ll also make sure you’re comfortable working with your new product features.
You can count on us for a smooth transition.
The mandate of our upgrade and migration services is to ensure that both you and your organization are completely satisfied with your emPath® solution. Now you can be certain that your NOW Solutions investment is meeting your business objectives as planned. To ensure maximum success, our services will:
– Provide immediate, sizeable returns on your investment
– Augment resources to guarantee the success of your investment
– Automate key HR and payroll business processes and workflows
– Identify and define business and technical requirements
– Recognize potential risk areas
– Minimize anxiety and simplify the overall migration process